Friday, March 26, 2010

Back at Home

Okay, imagine everything you know about the possible evolution of dinosaurs into modern day it? Okay, now imagine that all that happened to me in the past three months.

Yes, I now have wings, feathers, and can lay eggs. Sweet, right?

Ha, just kidding.

That is what I feel like, though. I seriously can't believe the stuff that's been happening to me...and it just comes non-stop, every day. Well, something big happens at least once a week.

Like, for example, a few days ago I was in a major city for a conference and a bunch of PCV's were robbed. I was walking back with an amigo and an amiga from of dancing (which happened to be less than a block away from our hotel)...when four dudes jumped us. One had a knife, another had a broken bottle, and a third had...a coconut. The dude with the coconut was the one closest to me. The fourth thug grabbed my amiga and took some stuff from her. Just when things were looking very bleak, a car pulled up and the four ladrões jumped over a wall and sped off into the night. My buddy thanked the car and we hurried off to our hotel.

After the conference I was heading back home with a boleia, and the tire blew out. Of course, we were in the middle of nowhere, so we had to wait four hours for our driver to catch a boleia himself and fix the spare in the closest town. Not a big deal really. Kinda lame, thinking about it now, but I guess I'll just leave that there.

So...after a month filled with lots of viagems, I'm finally back at site. I have lots of ideas and lots of things to accomplish, but first I'm going to go for a run with my kids, cut my buddy's hair, and watch my clothes hang dry.

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